Learning Experience
Learning Experience Please choose one question from below to answer for this Learning Experience and indicate which question you are answering. Identify the major surface muscles located in the body and list the following for each: origin, insertion, intended action, an exercise or movement that utilizes the muscle. A minimum of 15 muscles is required. After you create this list, define and describe how this information applies to what you will be doing as a future personal trainer. (Note: the 250-word minimum applies.) List the major joints (actual jointsnot joint types) in the body (minimum of six). For each of the joints listed, give an anatomical description in relation to the sternum (e.g. anterior, distal, etc.). What exercises can be performed that utilize these joints? Are there any exercises that use more than three major joints in the body? If so, list a few and name the joints that are utilized while performing the exercise. Give an example of an exercise routine for each of the three major energy pathways (one example per pathway). How long does the body utilize each pathway as its main energy source? Are the examples you gave specifically designed to utilize that particular pathway or is it just the nature of the exercise? Identify an activity that primarily utilizes Type I muscle fibers. What is the typical body type of individuals who regularly perform this type of activity? How would you train the body to better perform this activity? Do the same for Type IIa and Type IIb muscle fibers. List the major bones of the body and at least one muscle that attaches to each (minimum of fifteen). ***Please Note***When answering this question, be sure to include your personal insights on how your answer applies to what you will be doing as a future professional trainer. This will also help you in meeting the 250-word minimum requirement*** Explain the different physiological responses the body has to aerobic training vs anaerobic training. What adaptations must the body undergo if either of the training protocols are performed exclusively for over a year? Learning Experience 2 (Units 4-7) Please choose one question from below to answer for this Learning Experience and indicate which question you are answering. Determine your 1 RM for the barbell curl. Next, use the same weight and do the curl with your back and buttocks against the wall and your feet about a foot away from the wall. Can you do the same amount of weight with the same number of repetitions? Why are these different? Calculate your 10 RM for both of these exercise variations. Now with a partner, load the bar with additional weight and find out how much weight you can hold statically with your arms at a 90-degree angle. Why can you hold more or less weight? Perform a chin-up (palms supinated) and determine which muscles are the prime movers, stabilizers, and synergists. Is there a difference with a pull-up (palms pronated)? If so, what are the differences? Do as many chin-ups as possible. Which muscles inhibit your ability to perform more repetitions? What does this say about the chin-up as an effective exercise for the latissimus dorsi? List as many variations of pull-ups and chin-ups as possible. Perform ten resistance training exercises and describe which phase of the exercise is the eccentric, concentric and isometric phase of the movement. At which phase is the muscle the strongest? Why? Define Newton?s 1st, 2nd and 3rd Laws. How do these laws relate to an exercise? Give at least 1 example of an exercise for each Law. Give an example exercise for each of the six primary movements that occur at the joints between body segments: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction and rotation. Are there any exercises that combine three or more of these movements? If so, name a few and describe which movements take place and where they occur. List and describe each of the three planes of movement. Would it be important to include exercises from all three planes of movement in each client?s training program? Why or why not? ***Please Note***When answering this question, be sure to include your personal insights on how your answer applies to what you will be doing as a future professional trainer. This will also help you in meeting the 250-word minimum requirement *** Describe how the angle of pull can be affected in at least five different resistance exercises. Why should this be applied to all resistance training endeavors? Calculate the amount of power required for you to perform the following exercises: squat, dead lift, push-press and biceps curl. Perform a posture test on yourself and a friend. What, if any, deviations did you find? Are there certain exercises and stretches that should be performed to correct these deviations? List and describe the function of each of the muscles that compose the abdominal wall. How would you train each of these muscles in order to optimize function? Learning Experience 3 (Units 8-11) Please choose one question from below to answer for this Learning Experience and indicate which question you are answering. Have your body fat level checked by a trained individual using at least three of the methods discussed in the text. Are all the outcomes the same? If not, why do you think there was a variance? Following a good warm up, start in a seated position on an exercise ball and jump as high as you can. Do this for a total of three repetitions. Record the height you reach each time you complete the exercise. Next, repeat the process but start from a standing position. Jump as high as you can. Record the height you reach each time you complete the exercise from standing. Now, compare your results of the seated start and the standing start. In which scenario did you jump higher? Why? Relate this example to weight training technology and explain how it is used in exercise performance.***May require outside research of the stretch-shortening cycle. Attend an endurance event such as a local five or ten kilometer race. Try to observe the obvious visual differences between the winners and those who come in last. Explain the differences between the two groups. If possible, interview two of the top runners as well as two ?middle of the pack? runners and compare their training routines. Theoretically plot the strength curve of a beginning, intermediate and an advanced weight trainee while performing a squat. Explain the differences in the shape of the curve. What are the seven factors of the strength curve? Pick an exercise and alter two of the seven factors in order to improve upon the strength curve. List the four types of resistance training equipment.? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as any improvements that you would make.? When would it be beneficial to use a particular type of equipment?? When would it not be recommended and/or beneficial? Much has been written in popular magazines about aerobic training and how it is the only way one can burn fat. Explain this belief, evaluate it and tell why it may or may not be appropriate. Are there other ways to burn fat? If so, what are some of them? Analyze the role of ballistic movement in any given fitness training protocol in sports. How can each machine be adapted to ballistic training? Should it be adapted in the first place? Is ballistic training taboo? Give three examples of ballistic training exercises. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four technologies of training equipment in training general populations? In sports training? In bodybuilding for muscle mass? Some of you may never have participated in or conducted an aerobics class. Sit in on or participate in an aerobics class that is being taught by an experienced certified aerobics instructor. Was the class as you expected it to be? What did you learn? How would you rate the instructor? Why? Do the same for a group resistance training class such as strength training, Body Pump?, an abs / core class or any other class specifically designed to improve strength. Critically analyze stretching theory. Is stretching for improved flexibility? If so, to what extent is flexibility necessary in a general fitness program? In a sports-specific setting? Are there other reasons for stretching besides improving flexibility? Try each of the stretching methods discussed in the text for at least two body parts and briefly explain the differences between them. Familiarize yourself with safe and effective exercises for improving flexibility in each joint of the body and discuss when each is necessary or desirable. Perform body composition assessments on at least three individuals. Record all measurements and use them to calculate the body fat in pounds, as a percentage of total body weight and the lean body mass. Discuss the method that you used and what possible deviations could have occurred during testing. Show all measurements or readings for each individual. Learning Experience 4 (Units 12-16) Please choose one question from below to answer for this Learning Experience and indicate which question you are answering. Take your blood pressure and the blood pressure of someone else. List both the systole and diastole. Define systole, diastole and list the ranges of excellent, good, fair and poor. How does blood pressure relate to the level of stress you and the other person are typically under? Have a graded exercise test (GXT) performed on you by a qualified physician. What were the results? Are you surprised or are they as expected? Describe the experience. Use the Karvonen method to determine the target heart rate for five individuals. Now use the general method (220 ? age) estimate and note any differences between the two. Where on the perceived exertion (RPE) scale would these individuals fall in regards to their training zones? Meet with three individuals who have been regularly working out for over a year. Test different fitness components such as maximal strength, strength endurance, aerobic endurance, flexibility and so on. Compare your individual results with theirs. Is one of you more ?fit? than the other or are you just ?different? from one another? Systematically try each of the systems of training. How do they compare relative to the seven laws of training? After carefully identifying your reason(s) for training, which of these systems of training would be most appropriate for you? Why? Evaluate the workout programs of five individuals. Do they follow the seven principles known as the Seven Granddaddy Laws? Under what conditions would you change these programs? Define periodization and its components. Provide a brief explanation for how periodization could benefit each of the following clients specifically: College soccer player, 35 year old sedentary adult wanting to ?tone?, long distance runner.? Is periodization beneficial for everyone? Why or why not? Practice computing reps, sets, weight and training frequency on at least 3 friends and yourself. Compare your results and explain the differences between them (i.e. total volume, reps, sets, weight used, split routine, goal of the individual, rest periods, temp of the movement, total time in the gym each session, etc.). Gain permission from a manager of a local gym or club to talk with the instructors at the gym about the techniques they use in constructing training regimen for their clients. Distinguish the differences between programs contrived for beginning versus experienced clients. You will probably notice that most prescribe ?canned? programs involving a Nautilus type circuit or some similar type of system, a bit of bike riding to warm up or some simple non-stressful exercises. Write down every single objection you think of to this kind of approach to training people. Be careful not to offend anyone. What general repetition scheme would you suggest in a training program for the following trainees: power lifter, soccer player, office worker, carpenter, football player, obese client, runner, swimmer? Why do you feel that these recommendations would be appropriate for each trainee? Learning Experience 5 (Units 17-22) Please choose one question from below to answer for this Learning Experience and indicate which question you are answering. Find at least five Internet or magazine articles/advertisements which depict an exercise or health myth. Why do you think that the media and advertisers are pushing these myths? What should the article or advertisement say that would make the fallacy correct? Upon evaluating the training programs of at least two serious bodybuilders and two serious anaerobic athletes in your club, gym or from a magazine, attempt to discover reasons for their success or failure at maximizing muscle mass and minimizing fat stores. Critically evaluate any three popular fat loss programs. How do they stack up against each other relative to their nutritional profile? Their ability to support intense training? Their ability to provide lasting results? Find someone on a ketogenic diet, someone on the Zone Diet and someone on the Atkins Diet. Compare their dieting experiences with your own. Evaluate each in light of known science and practical experience. Estimate the caloric intake of three individuals (someone who is trying to increase total body weight by losing fat and gaining muscle, someone who is trying to decrease total body weight by losing fat and gaining muscle and someone trying to stay the same total body weight but lose fat and gain muscle) and determine their nutrient profile using the 1-2-3 nutritional rule-of-thumb. Does their calculated protein requirements meet or exceed Dr. Hatfield?s estimate of minimum protein requirements? Interview ten people (five who exercise regularly and five who do not) and find out what supplements they are currently taking. Why are they taking these supplements? Are they getting the results they expected? Do these supplements follow the guidelines you have read about in your text, Fitness the Complete Guide? Identify two popular multi-vitamin formulas and list the ingredients of each. Compare the ingredients with one another. Why do you think the manufacturer put certain vitamins, minerals and herbs together? If they are different, why do you think there is a variance between the two? Are they marketed towards different audiences? Track your own caloric intake and macronutrient profile for at least thirty days. Does this match up with the recommended daily caloric level you get when you calculate your BMR and factor in your activity level? If not, why do you think there may be a variance? What was your goal/purpose and did you achieve it? Be as detailed as possible. Visit with a doctor who specializes in treatment of obesity. Discuss the many procedures that he or she goes through in determining the correct call to action in regards to treatment. What kind of nutritional advice do they give and when do they recommend surgical intervention? What are their views of when a personal trainer would be beneficial and how could you as a trainer fit into their program? Pick five supplements currently on the market. Find research based on the supplements and the ingredients. What were the results or findings of the studies? Were the studies funded by the supplement company? Is this a supplement backed by creditable science? If not, why do you think that so many people are currently using it? Learning Experience 6 (units 23-31) Please choose one question from below to answer for this Learning Experience and indicate which question you are answering. Watch a diabetes educator and/or nurse perform a blood glucose test on a diabetes patient. How could you use this in your exercise practice? Take your own blood glucose after intense exercise. What is the number? What does it mean for you? What would it mean for a diabetic? Visit with a chiropractor and discuss as many of the therapeutic modalities as he/she uses. Where would you, the personal trainer, fit into the chiropractor?s rehabilitation practice? With the use of a computer perform a search for ?free medline?. You will probably find several websites which offer this feature. Search for research abstracts for ?cancer and exercise?. Review at least 6 abstracts* (no more than five years old). Based on the conclusions of these studies, how beneficial is regular exercise for cancer patients? What steps can you take to market your services to these people? ?*Be sure to cite your work. Perform at least one exercise for each major muscle group on a stability ball. Were you able to use the same weight as you normally do? If not, why do you think you could not use as much resistance? What populations would benefit from the use of incorporating stability ball training? Are there certain individuals who should not use a stability ball? Seek out a competent sports medicine expert ?medical doctor, chiropractic physician, nurse or physical therapist? and go over some of the sports-medical problems outlined in the course text. Are these outlines specific enough? Are any sports-medical problems left out that should be included? What else can you do to better prepare yourself in assisting your clients to seek competent sports-medical assistance? Do research on the benefits and risks of exercise and youth. Give at least five resources (no more than five years old) and state the findings of your research. Is weight training safe and effective for young people? If not, why not? Identify at least two women who have regularly exercised before and after pregnancy with very little ?downtime?. What precautions did they follow? What alterations did they make to their normal training routine? If they were to do it again what changes might they make? Do these follow the guidelines presented in Fitness: The Complete Guide? Write down three or more special population groups for whom you would use a water exercise therapy program. What types of movement routines would you perform? What types of strength regimes would you instruct? Are there any precautions you would look for prior to exercise? Attend a basic first-aid course and explain how this will be helpful to you as a certified personal trainer. (NOTE: This is not the same as the basic adult CPR requirement.) Research the steps involved in launching a new personal training business and develop a business plan. Find out where to obtain your DBA, business checking account, and liability insurance. Create all of the necessary forms for your business including your resume, rate sheets, policies, consent forms, health history questionnaires, and anything else that you deem professionally appropriate. You might design a logo or flyer for the business as well. Copy and paste this information into the text box provided as part your response. Lastly, include a description of any difficulties you encountered as you navigated the business set-up proce ? ? ..Answer preview Type 1 Muscle fibers are characterized by red fibers that are fatigue resistant. The fibers contain many mitochondria, many blood capillaries, large amount of myoglobin and slow oxidation velocity. They are fatigue resistant and are needed for aerobic activities.. ? ? APA 1908 words
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