Discussions I need only the Discussions (except week 5 DQ 1 and week 1 Post your introduction- I don?t need you to do these DQs) ok? So it means that I need only 9 Discussions ans that all. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing Course Guide An introduction to current procedures and duties of public relations personnel will be studied. Students will write news releases, brochures, speeches, reports, memos, scripts, and ad copy using workshop format. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 2 Table of Contents COURSE AT A GLANCE .4 COURSE DESCRIPTION.4 COURSE DESIGN.4 PREREQUISITES ..4 COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES .4 COURSE MATERIALS..6 REQUIRED TEXT.6 REQUIRED RESOURCES6 Articles.6 Multimedia ..Error! Bookmark not defined. Websites Error! Bookmark not defined. Supplemental Materials Error! Bookmark not defined. RECOMMENDED RESOURCES.ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Articles..Error! Bookmark not defined. Multimedia ..Error! Bookmark not defined. Websites Error! Bookmark not defined. Supplemental Materials Error! Bookmark not defined. COURSE GRADING.7 DISCUSSIONS7 QUIZZES .7 ASSIGNMENTS .7 Written Assignments..7 FINAL PAPER7 GRADING PERCENT BREAKDOWN .8 WEEK ONE 9 COURSE CONTENT.9 Overview .9 Weekly Learning Outcomes9 Required Resources9 Discussions.9 Quiz.10 WEEK TWO 11 COURSE CONTENT..11 Overview ..11 Weekly Learning Outcomes.11 Required Resources.11 Discussions..12 Quiz.12 Assignment ..12 WEEK THREE..14 COURSE CONTENT..14 Overview ..14 Weekly Learning Outcomes.14 Required Resources.14 Discussions..15 CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 3 Quiz.15 Assignment ..16 WEEK FOUR..17 COURSE CONTENT..17 Overview ..17 Weekly Learning Outcomes.17 Required Resources.17 Discussions..17 Quiz.18 WEEK FIVE 19 COURSE CONTENT..19 Overview ..19 Weekly Learning Outcomes.19 Required Resources.19 Discussions..19 Quiz.20 Assignment ..20 COURSE MAP22 CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 4 Course at a Glance Course Description An introduction to current procedures and duties of public relations personnel will be studied. Students will write news releases, brochures, speeches, reports, memos, scripts, and ad copy using workshop format. Course Design This course is designed to explore the core principles and activities included in the public relations industry. The learning experience will consist of the following related efforts: reading of the text, in class instruction and discussion, written assignments, and a Final Paper on a public relations issue or challenge. The text will be the primary source of formal knowledge for students. Students will be expected to read each chapter as sequenced through the course. In doing so, they will be measured on how well the subject matter is understood, how adept they are at recognizing situations within that subject matter, how they translate the recognition into a useful application of the knowledge, and how they apply their knowledge to solve a problem or find a solution. Students will also be expected to support a course-related principle by referencing the text and classroom materials when preparing responses in discussion forums, assignments, and in the Final Paper. In addition, assignments in the course will measure students abilities to apply what they have learned to a formal and structured situation. The course is highly interactive and examines concrete situations that enable application of learning. Students will have an apportunity to incorporate the knowledge of peers into the learning process, as well as demonstrate self-motivation and initiative. Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for CGD318 Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to 1. Integrate communication models and apply them to public relations practices. 2. Assess the similarities and differences between public relations and news-editorial journalism. 3. Develop working knowledge of the role of public relations in organization decision making. 4. Apply basic techniques for measuring and understand public opinion. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 5 5. Develop, execute, and evaluate long-range and short-range public relations planning and programs. 6. Apply techniques for communicating with special publics such as employees, management, and the media. 7. Evaluate the special needs of government, business, and not-for-profit organizations in developing public relations programs. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 6 Course Materials Required Text Seitel, F. P. (2015). Public relations & promotional writing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu This text is a ConstellationTM course digital materials (CDM) title. Required Resources Articles Fan, W., & Gordon, M. D. (2014). The power of social media analytics. Communications of the ACM, 57(6), 74-81. doi:10.1145/2602574 Morgan, C. (2014). 3 five-minute social media tasks that add value to a PR retainer. Public Relations Tactics, 21(4), 8. Retrieved from https://www.ebscohost.com/ Seitel, F. (2015, January 30). The day Bill Belichick discovered public relations. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/fraserseitel/2015/01/30/the-day-bill-belichick-discovered-public-relations/ Squeo, A. M. (2014, January 9). Chris Christie?s biggest issue isn?t the bridge: It?s his brand. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/annemariesqueo/2014/01/09/christie/ Wynne, R. (2014, April 28). Winning social media strategies for public relations. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwynne/2014/04/28/winning-social-media-strategies-for-public-relations/ Multimedia Forbes. (2014, January 10). Chris Christie and the bridge [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4-YD3QhCgk CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 7 Course Grading Multiple measures of assessment are used in the course, allowing students opportunities to demonstrate their learning in more than one way and giving consideration to individual learning styles. Course components that will be assessed are noted below. Discussions Each week students will participate in online discussions with classmates, which are related to the week?s readings. These discussions replace the interactive dialogue that occurs in the traditional classroom setting. Each week, students? initial discussion posts are due by 11:59 p.m. (in the time zone in which each student resides) on Day 3 (Thursday). Students will have until 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 (the following Monday) to make the required minimum number of response posts to classmates. Discussions represent 31% of the overall course grade. Quizzes In Weeks One through Five, students will demonstrate and reinforce their understanding of the week?s content by taking open-book quizzes. Students have up to 12 hours to complete a quiz once they begin. The quiz must be completed in one sitting, by Day 6 of the week in which it is due. The questions are multiple choice. Each quiz is worth five percent. Quizzes represent 25% of the overall course grade. Assignments Written Assignments There are written assignments due in Weeks Two and Three of this course. These assignments must reflect college-level writing. Assignments represent 19% of the overall course grade. Final Paper The final assignment for this course is a Final Paper. The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by evaluating the public relations practices in an organization. The Final Paper represents 25% of the overall course grade. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 8 Grading Percent Breakdown Activity Grading Percent Discussions 31 Quizzes 25 Assignments 19 Final Paper 25 Total 100 CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 9 Week One Course Content To be completed during the first week of class Overview Activity Due Date Format Grading Percent Post Your Introduction Day 1 Discussion 1 Scavenger Hunt Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Field Trip Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Week One Quiz Day 6 Quiz 5 Weekly Learning Outcomes This week students will 1. Explain the purpose of public relations writing. 2. Discuss public opinion and how public relations writing influences public opinion. Required Resource Text Seitel, F. P. (2015). Public relations & promotional writing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu Chapter 1: Introduction to Public Relations Writing Chapter 2: Persuasion Discussions Participate in the following discussions: 1. Post Your Introduction. 1 st Post Due by Day 1. Please post a brief bio on the first day of class. Respond to at least three of your classmates? bios. Use this forum to get acquainted and for ongoing non-content related discussions. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 10 2. Scavenger Hunt [CLOs: 1, 6]. 1 st Post Due by Day 3. What is the purpose of public relations writing? Find three examples of organizations that are using public relations. Examples might be a press release announcing a new product release, community relations, or any effort to maintain the organization?s corporate identity. In your post, describe the purpose for each organization and answer the following: How well was the PR message written? Did the message follow the public relations strategy? Why or why not? Was the message good public relations writing, or only mediocre? What improvement suggestions do you have? Use the text and/or additional resources to support your rationale. Respond to at least two of your classmates? posts. 3. Field Trip [CLOs: 1, 6]. 1 st Post Due by Day 3. Visit the corporate or social media website of an organization that has been in the news during the last two years as a result of some type of crisis. Examples are British Petroleum (BP), the National Football League (NFL), the National Basketball Association (NBA), Southwest Airlines, the Red Cross, J. C. Penney, etc. Explain the company?s crisis and identify the public relation?s objective. How did public relations writing influence public opinion? What ideas or suggestions do you have to improve the company?s public relation?s efforts in trying to influence public opinion and why? Respond to at least two of your classmates? posts. Quiz 1. Week One Quiz. Due by Day 6. Complete the quiz on the assigned readings for the week. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 11 Week Two Course Content To be completed during the second week of class Overview Activity Due Date Format Grading Percent Public Relations Research Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Ethical versus Legal Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Week Two Quiz Day 6 Quiz 5 To Accept or Reject a Client Day 7 Assignment 10 Weekly Learning Outcomes This week students will 1. Assess the various ways publicity can be measured using the steps in public relations research. 2. Assess the specific standards for public relations writers and how each standard integrates with the seven attributes of public relations ethics. Required Resources Text Seitel, F. P. (2015). Public relations & promotional writing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu Chapter 3: Research, Planning, and Measuring Chapter 4: Ethics and Legal Concerns Articles Seitel, F. (2015, January 30). The day Bill Belichick discovered public relations. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/fraserseitel/2015/01/30/the-day-bill-belichick-discovered-public-relations/ Squeo, A. M. (2014, January 9). Chris Christie?s biggest issue isn?t the bridge: It?s his brand. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/annemariesqueo/2014/01/09/christie/ Multimedia CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 12 Forbes. (2014, January 10). Chris Christie and the bridge [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4-YD3QhCgk Accessibility Statement Privacy Policy Discussions Participate in the following discussions: 1. Public Relations Research [CLOs: 1-7]. 1 st Post Due by Day 3. Read the article, ?The Day Bill Belichick Discovered Public Relations.? Based on the research instruments listed in Chapter 3 of the text, what secondary analyses caused Mr. Belichick to reverse his ?no comment? position on the NFL scandal, ?Deflategate? and why? What research instruments might have been used to assess public opinion regarding this incident? Respond to at least two of your classmates? posts. 2. Ethical versus Legal [CLOs: 1-7]. 1 st Post Due by Day 3. Read the article, ?Chris Christie?s Biggest Issue Isn?t the Bridge: It?s His Brand? and watch the video, Chris Christie and the Bridge. Based on the readings in our text and the above article and video, should New Jersey Governor Chris Christie have remained silent on the issue of the George Washington Bridge? Support your position by using at least two of the seven ethical principles in Chapter 4 of the text. Include in your position your assessment of Governor Christie?s ethical and legal considerations. Respond to at least two of your classmates? posts. Quiz 1. Week Two Quiz. Due by Day 6. Complete the quiz on the assigned readings for the week. Assignment 1. To Accept or Reject a Client [CLOs: 1-7]. Due by Day 7. A well-known professional baseball player is suspected of having used steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. He has not been charged. His agent asks you to advise and assist him in handling the intense media interest in the case. He wants you to try to place CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 13 favorable stories about the baseball star in the media and create a positive environment for him. If formally accused, it could mean irreparable damage to his baseball career. You are not asked to do anything unethical. The money is quite good, and you know the publicity from working on the case will probably help your public relations consulting career, especially if the athlete is exonerated. Would you take the account? The agent tells you confidentially that the athlete has admitted that he took some substance that was unknown to him, but may have been steroids. Does this information affect your decision? What are the ethics of the situation as you see them? Write a proposal to your business partners regarding the situation. Answer all questions brought up in the case and compare the case to at least one similar case with a well-known ballplayer found through your research. Finally, provide a recommendation to your partners as to whether or not you should accept the contract. Your proposal should be two-to-three pages (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Include at least one scholarly source in addition to the course text.. The paper: Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate title page with the following: o Title of paper o Student?s name o Course name and number o Instructor?s name o Date submitted Must use at least one scholarly source in addition to the course text. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 14 Week Three Course Content To be completed during the third week of class Overview Activity Due Date Format Grading Percent Public Relations and Social Media Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Pitch Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Week Three Quiz Day 6 Quiz 5 News Release Day 7 Assignment 9 Weekly Learning Outcomes This week students will 1. Assess the traditional public relations tools. 2. Assess the digital public relations tools. Required Resources Text Seitel, F. P. (2015). Public relations & promotional writing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu Chapter 5: Public Relations in a Digital World Chapter 6: News Releases Chapter 7: Public Relations Letters Chapter 8: Social Media Articles Fan, W., & Gordon, M. D. (2014). The power of social media analytics. Communications of the ACM, 57(6), 74-81. doi:10.1145/2602574 Morgan, C. (2014, April). 3 five-minute social media tasks that add value to a PR retainer. Public Relations Tactics, 21(4), 8. Retrieved from https://www.ebscohost.com/ CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 15 A full-text version of this article is available through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library.. Wynne, R. (2014, April 28). Winning social media strategies for public relations. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwynne/2014/04/28/winning-social-media-strategies-for-public-relations Discussions Participate in the following discussions: 1. Public Relations and Social Media [CLOs: 1-6]. 1 st Post Due by Day 3. Read the articles, ?3 Five-Minute Social Media Tasks that Add Value to a PR Retainer,? ?The Power of Social Media Analytics,? and ?Winning Social Media Strategies for Public Relations.? Based on the text and the articles, select an organization?s social media venues (e.g.,the organization?s web site, Facebook page, Twitter feed, or LinkedIn) and answer the following: How does a public relations professional get the most from a blog? How does a public relations professional get the most from a Twitter feed? Why is it an advantage for a public relations professional to create hashtags on Twitter? Use specific examples from the selected organization?s social media venues. Respond to at least two of your classmates? posts. 2. Pitch [CLOs: 1-6]. 1 st Post Due by Day 3. After reading Chapter 7 and the information about pitch, either compose a one to two paragraph pitch letter, find a pitch letter via the Internet, or look at the case study pitch letter in the text. Assess how each of the elements of the pitch letter secures positive publicity for the organization. Discuss any suggestions or recommendations for improvement. Respond to at least two of your classmates? posts. Quiz 1. Week Three Quiz. Due by Day 6. Complete the quiz on the assigned readings for the week. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 16 Assignment 1. News Release [CLOs: 1-6]. Due by Day 7. Review the section entitled ?The Format of a News Release? in the beginning of Chapter 10. Choose an existing product or a made up product and write a one to two page news release (not including title and reference pages) announcing the introduction of the new product using the provided format. The paper: Must be one to two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate title page with the following: o Title of paper o Student?s name o Course name and number o Instructor?s name o Date submitted Must use at leaste one scholarly source in addition to the course text. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 17 Week Four Course Content To be completed during the fourth week of class Overview Activity Due Date Format Grading Percent Writing for the Eye Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Writing for the Ear Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Week Four Quiz Day 6 Quiz 5 Weekly Learning Outcomes This week students will 1. Explain the process of writing for the eye. 2. Explain the process of writing for the ear. 3. Interpret the differences between writing for the eye versus writing for the ear. Required Resource Text Seitel, F. P. (2015). Public relations & promotional writing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu Chapter 10: Speeches and Presentations Chapter 11: TV, Radio, and Podcasts Discussions Participate in the following discussions: 1. Writing for the Eye [CLOs: 1-6]. 1 st Post Due by Day 3. Read the information in Chapter 10 on the elements of a great speech. Next, conduct an Internet search for an outstanding speech and insert the URL for the speech in this forum. Finally, assess the effectiveness of your selected speech. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 18 Watch at least two speeches chosen by your classmates and give an assessment of the effectiveness of the speeches. 2. Writing for the Ear [CLOs: 1-6]. 1 st Post Due by Day 3. Conduct an Internet search for a news broadcast and insert the URL to the broadcast in this forum. After reading the information in Chapter 11, assess whether or not your broadcast was effective based on the elements that are successful for video and audio copy. Watch at least two broadcasts chosen by your classmates and give an assessment of the effectiveness of the broadcasts. Quiz 1. Week Four Quiz. Due by Day 6. Complete the quiz on the assigned readings for the week. CGD318 Public Relations Practices and Promotional Writing COURSE GUIDE 19 Week Five Course Content To be completed during the fifth week of class Overview Activity Due Date Format Grading Percent Public Relations & Non-Profit Organizations Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Global Impact of Public Relations Day 3 (1st post) Discussion 3 Week Five Quiz Day 6 Quiz 5 Final Paper Day 7 Assignment
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